Contact Us


TEL : 070-4492-5446 / FAX : 031-374-5436 / E-MAIL : Sales@opticore.co.kr

Our doors are always open.

Please feel free to contact our branch office and sales office near you. We will help you quickly and accurately.

KOREAHQ, R&D, Engineering, Supply Chain & Manufacturing
TEL :+82-70-4492-5446, +82-70-4492-9391
FAX :+82-31-374-5436
E-MAIL :sales@opticoreinc.com
ADDRESS : Office No.501, 602, Dongtangiheung-ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea ZIP : 18468
CHINAR&D, Supply Chain & Manufacturing
E-MAIL :sales@opticoreinc.com
North AmericaSales & Customer Support
E-MAIL :sales@opticoreinc.com

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